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Thursday, September 16
10:00 AM


Over the last couple of decades technology has influenced data policies.  The internet introduced a distribution network and an e-commerce capability for broker dealers and market data vendors; delayed data and redistribution policies were tweaked and expanded.  Electronic / algorithmic trading brought us the advent of Non-Display Usage policies.  The policies gradually became more complex and prescriptive: to account for unforeseen usage at the outset, and to protect against “bad actors” who identified policy loopholes.  Over the last few years we’ve seen a number of information providers “unwind” restrictions and simplify data policy language; why?

  • Did the information collection and administration associated with more restrictive policies work - effectively?
  • Was the barrier to entry for complex policies too high; did it constrain / delay subscriberships?
  • Was it financially “worth it”?  Did the restrictive tariffs cover the additional administration costs?
  • How do more complex policies affect the information provider / subscriber relationship?



Stephen Dorrian, Senior Director, Head of European Product Strategy - Data and Access Solutions, Cboe Global Markets

Susan Helen, Regional Business Manager, Exchange Data & Business, Bloomberg L.P.

Miguel Ortega, Head of Market Data, Deutsche Bank Securities Tokyo

Joyce Tan, Head of Market Data Development and Delivery, Singapore Exchange Limited

Jutta Werner, Director, Global Data Licensing for the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)

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