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1:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Registration & Networking

2:00 P.M. - 2:05 P.M.

FISD Welcome

David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

2:05 P.M. - 2:10 P.M.

Host Welcome

Paul Klug, Global Head, Order and Rights Management, Refinitiv

2:10 P.M. - 2:40 P.M.

DRM 101 - Data Licensing Principles and Considerations in a Digitized World

  • Drivers for digital transformation of market data contracts (eg data lineage, codification of usage rights)
  • Challenges of digitizing market data usage rights
  • Alternatives – leveraging artificial intelligence/machine learning/other technologies
  • The Vision

Michelle Roberts, Market Data Strategy and Compliance , JP Morgan

2:40 P.M. - 3:10 P.M.

DRM 101 - Codifying Data Rights in a Digitized Form

  • What are digital data rights and obligations ?
  • What is a Rights Expression Language (eg ODRL) ?
  • ODRL concepts and information model
  • How is a digital rights policy modeled ?

Atiq Khan, Market Data Engineering and Development, Goldman Sachs

3:10 P.M. - 3:55 P.M.

DRM 101 - Value proposition for digital rights management in a market data context

Panel discussion covering industry benefits across the supply chain:

Ken Brady, Global Head of Market Data, Morgan Stanley

John Chappell, Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Aaron Garforth, CCO, TRG Screen

Adam Honore, Executive Director, CME Group

Barry Jennings, Executive Director and Senior Council, Technology, IP and Contracts, Goldman Sachs

Trisha Perona, Director, Market Data Services, Fidelity Investments

Deanna Rowe, Financial Services Customer Engineer, Google

3:55 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

DRM 101 - Recap and Q&A

Paul Klug, Global Head, Order and Rights Management, Refinitiv

4:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.


4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Report from - The Industry Working Group for digital rights standardization

  • Recap of value proposition
  • Objective and approach of the working group
  • Initial stage (proof of concept)
    • Workstream 1 outcomes (eg standard ODRL vocabulary)
    • Workstream 2 outcomes (eg publication of trading feed policies for multiple exchanges using ODRL)
    • Workstream 3 outcomes (eg how DRM/ODRL policies could fit into the overall supply chain; capabilities needed to leverage DRM)
  • What’s next ?
  • Q&A


Paul Klug, Global Head, Order and Rights Management, Refinitiv


Edmund Flynn, FIA, Head of Market Data Strategy, TD Ameritrade

Adam Honore, Executive Director, CME Group

Atiq Khan, Market Data Engineering and Development, Goldman Sachs

Laura Perdue, Director, Vendor Relations, Fidelity Investments

Ilya Slavin, Executive Director, JP Morgan

Ben Whittam Smith, Director, Information Architecture, Refiniti

5:30 P.M. - 5:40 P.M.

FISD Update

David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

5:40 P.M. - 7:45 P.M.

Networking Reception

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