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Thursday, January 28
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM




4:05 PM - 4:55 PM


Mind the gap - ESG data, what exists and what is missing.

Governments, regulators and quasi-governmental agencies are all producing a multitude of laudable objectives for encouraging and/or requiring that investments follow ESG standards. However, there is a notable gap in the data available to service those requirements. In some cases, there is too much data, in others not enough. Major data vendors have been gobbling up smaller more boutique and specialist providers - does that help or hinder? Who has the solution, what is that solution and when will that solution be ready? Is this a case of putting the cart before the horse? It could be more relevant to focus on what exactly the problem is before judging any solutions.


Hendrik Bartel   Senior Vice President
Janine Hofer-Wittwer    Senior Product Manager
John Lathouwers   Company Owner
Stephanie Mooij    Senior Engagement Associate
Shila Wattamwar    Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships

4:55 PM - 5:00 PM


FISD Update


David Anderson  FIA Program Director

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