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Thursday, March 4
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM




David Anderson  FIA Program Director

4:05 PM - 4:55 PM


APIs - everybody understands APIs! Or do they?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are embedded in the common vernacular of our market data industry – but how much do we understand about them – and how much do we agree what they actually are. Enabling consumers, and more specifically consumer applications, to get access to data is the objective. The structure of that data matters and the commercial rules associated with it matter too. Technology considerations play into this in respect of programming languages and more to boot. The advent of Cloud has added to the excitement but also perhaps to the confusion. Who provides the API – is it the data provider, the system provider, or even the cloud provider – in truth it’s probably all three. This is a big topic and this webinar aims to shine a big educational light on this oft misunderstood topic.


Sue Jimenez  Day   Manager of NY Market Data Operations & EngineeringRBC Capital Markets

Rashmi Mishra    VP, Market Data Engineering

Lamya Mrani    Development Manager - Quantitative pricing services

Tyndall Nguyen   Associate Director & Market Data Engineer

Steven Roe     CEO

George Wang     SVP, Product Developement, APIs

4:55 PM - 5:00 PM


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