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Tuesday, March 16
10:00 AM - 10:05 AM


FISD Introduction


Tracey Shumpert FIA Vice President of Membership and Programs

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Fireside Chat with Dr. Alexandra Hachmeister

In our industry timeliness is king. Market data is valuable when it’s the right data and delivered at the right time. In 22 years at Deutsche Börse Dr. Alexandra Hachmeister has made a career out of “right place, right time,” rising steadily through the ranks to her current position as Managing Director, Market Data + Services. Perhaps we should instead say that timeliness is queen!

During this intimate fireside chat, Dr. Hachmeister will discuss her path to this role as well as her unique leadership strategy which includes expanding opportunities for women. While she will speak from personal experience as a continental European, she hopes to hear perspectives and questions from a diverse crowd of attendees.

Karen Lenz, Director – Head of Sales and Channel Management at Deutsche Börse will conduct the conversation. She serves alongside Dr. Hachmeister on the FISD Executive Committee.


Dr. Alexandra  Hachmeister   Managing Director, Market Data & Services

Karen Lenz   Head of Sales & Channel Management, Market Data + Services

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