FISD Newsletter – March 2022

Welcome Tristan Dehaan to the FISD Team!

Many FISD members will know Tristan Dehaan as a Netherlands-based market data industry veteran often seen in the crowd at FISD events. We’re thrilled to announce that he has come aboard as a consultant at FISD to help us step up member offerings in EMEA, including by supporting David Anderson in programming regional events and WFIC. Please join us in welcoming him to the team!


Get your Free 2021 FISD Year in Review

2021 was a doozy of a year, but FISD members successfully collaborated, debated, and networked during scores of hours of online events, working group meetings and even a few in-person activities. Take a trip down memory lane through the FISD 2021 Year in Review.


Ukraine Crisis—Call for Discussion Participants

The Ukraine crisis is having an impact on the financial information industry – the treatment of companies listed on Russian exchanges and other Russian securities, the impact on commodities and foreign exchange markets globally, and the assessment of vendor risks.  If you would be interested in joining an open-ended discussion among FISD members on this topic, please contact Tom Davin.  Please be as specific as you can about the topics that you want to discuss.


WFIC Registration Opening on March 28th 

Plans for the World Financial Information Conference, taking place October 16-19 in Prague, are well underway. FISD is pleased to announce that registration will be opening at the end of March. The discounted hotel room block is already open. Please contact Tracey Shumpert if you have any questions.


WFIC Bronze Sponsorships Announced

Contact Tracey Shumpert to claim an exhibit space or extra branding at the event. Upper level sponsorships are already sold out, so this is the last WFIC sponsor inventory available.


Introducing the FISD FIT + eTraining Bundle

Now is a great time to upgrade your team’s technology expertise. FISD is here to help you make that easy with the brand new FISD Financial Information Technologist (FISD FIT) certification. Starting February 25, the self-paced eTraining that will get you up to speed will be available in a bundle that includes the exam registration for $940 for FISD members. This certification covers key topics in five areas:

-Market Data Systems: data sources, distributing real time data, permissioning

-Market Data Products: workstations, enterprise platforms, desktop APIs

-System Location: cloud computing, colocation, proximity hosting

-Technology Concepts: software development, data science, big data

-Industry Context: order management, trading automation, benchmarks

Make 2022 the year you get FISD FIT! Contact Hope Wilkes with questions.


FISD Issue Brief in NYC: “Back to (In-person) Work” on April 7th

Come to this in-person FISD event to discuss the return to in-person work. What will be different from the pre-COVID Era? What will be the same? We’ll discuss, debate, and then adjourn for some in-person networking. Thanks to our hosts at OTC Markets and all of our Global Sponsors. Click here to review the program and register. Please contact Tom Davin if you have any questions or have any difficulty registering.





Anduril Partners
Gro Intelligence
Marshall Wace LLP
Neptune Networks
New York Life Investment Management
Pakistan Stock Exchange
White Rock Data Solutions
Wiggin and Dana

2022 Global Sponsors

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