FISD Executive Committee
The FISD Executive Committee (EC) is charged in the FISD Bylaws with representing the FISD membership and setting the broad direction for FISD activities. In this capacity, the EC reviews and approves new initiatives, provides guidance to working groups and the FISD/SIIA staff, identifies priorities for the FISD budget and staff resources and selects new EC members when vacancies open. The EC consists of an equitable representation by each of the three FISD broad constituencies -- exchanges, vendors and user firms. These diverse representations ensure that FISD is conforming to the overall goals, objectives and mission of its members. The EC meets at least quarterly, typically around the time of FISD General Membership meetings, but more frequent meetings may be called to address pressing issues.
FISD Chair: Krystle Rudzinski, BlackRock
FISD Vice Chair: Steve Dickey, Cboe
FISD Secretary: Trip Wadleigh, FIA, TRG Screen
Consumer Seats
Bank of Montreal: Manon Amyot-Lake, FIA, Managing Director, Global Market Data Services | Sam Speranini, FIA, Director, Market Data Solutions
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
BlackRock: Krystle Rudzinski, Director | Andrew McLean, FIA, Director
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Citi: Patricia Sachs, Director | Ali Nasab, Head of Market Data Business Analysis
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Fidelity Investments: Devlin Ponte, FIA, Vice President, Head of Market Data Services
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Goldman Sachs: John Chappell, Global Head of Market Data | Barry Jennings, Global Head of Market Data Licensing & Governance
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Interactive Brokers: Bill Lee, FIA, DLS, Senior Market Data Advisor | Alison Conologue, FIA, Market Data Advisor
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Morgan Stanley: Ken Brady, Managing Director | David Garfunkel, Executive Director
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Northern Trust Company: Joe Nardulli, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Enterprise Market Data | Kristen Mologousis, FIA, Senior Vice President, Chief Procurement Officer
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
HSBC: James Maddock, Global Head of Market Data Services | Graham Dial, Market Data Strategy and Tooling Lead, Market Data Services
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Exchange Seats
CBOE Global Markets: Steve Dickey, Director, Operations Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) ) | Stephen Dorrian, FIA, DLS, European Head of Business Development (Cboe Data Vantage)
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Deutsche Börse AG: Karen Lenz, FIA, FIT, DLS, Director, Head of Section Sales, Data Services, Market Data + Services | Gerrit Marks, FIA, FIT, DLS, Head of Pricing & Licensing Strategy, Market Data + Services
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Euronext: Beatrice Piras, Market Data Business Analyst | Martina Zambelli, FIA, Manager, Sales Support, Operations & Marketing
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Fenics: Rich Winter, Senior MD & Global Head of Market Data | Elliott Hann, MD & Global Head of Data Sales
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Nasdaq: Garrick Stavrovich, Product Management Leader | Brandis DeSimone, Vice President, Head of Data Sales, Americas
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Nigerian Stock Exchange: Afeez Ramoni, FIA, Head, Data & Digital Innovation | David Adeyemi, Team Lead, Market Data Sales
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Singapore Exchange Limited: Joyce Tan, Vice President, Data, Connectivity & Indices
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
SIX Exchanges: Marc Berthoud, FIA, DLS, Head Exchange Data Strategy, Markets
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Tradition: Scott Fitzpatrick, Global Head | Chris Dearie, COO
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Vendor Seats
Amazon Web Services: Brian Cassin, Capital Market Specialist | Nicole McQueen, Head of Global Technology Partnerships, Capital Markets
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Bloomberg LP: Sallianne Taylor, EMEA Head of Government Relations | Jessica Horsfall, Global Exchange Relationship Management
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
FactSet: Scott Preiss, Managing Director, Global Head CUSIP | Matthew Bastian, FIA, Director, Senior Director of Market Development
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
ICE Data Services: Helen Keane, Director, Content Strategy and Acquisition, Exchanges | Tara Fitzpatrick, Global Head of the Content Acquisition
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Jordan & Jordan: Kathy McGovern, Director | Jim Sudol, Market Data Manager
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
LSEG Data & Analytics: Kerry Baker-Relf, Content Acquisition and Rights Management | Adam Jenah, DLS, Director, Global Partnerships
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Morningstar Real-Time Data: Michael Conniff, Head of Sales, U.S. Strategic Accounts | Rick Schmehl, Head of Sales, Alliances and Redistributors
Term Ends: 12/31/2025
S&P Global: Galaad Baudry, FIA, Senior Director - Content Acquisition & Strategic Alliances - EMEA & APAC | Juan Bonilla, Senior Director, Content Acquisition & Rights Management Team
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
TRG Screen: Trip Wadleigh, FIA, Senior Relationship Manager, North America | Amjad Zoghbi, Head of Solutions Engineering
Term Ends: 12/31/2026