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CCO, TRG Screen
Aaron’s career in market data started at the London Stock Exchange where he spent 12 years in the Information Services team. During this time he carried out a number of roles including Market Data Auditor and Product Manager before becoming the Market Data Manager for Real Time Services. After his time at the London Stock Exchange Aaron negotiated market data agreements at Bloomberg and then took up a role as the Senior Market Data Consultant within Ballintrae where he was responsible for the consultancies market data services. Aaron then joined NYSE Technologies as a consultant fulfilling the role of Exchange Policy and Compliance expert for the DART suite of products.
In 2014 Aaron formed Axon Financial Systems with ex-NYSE Technologies colleagues Chris Hutton, John Donaghy and Steve Cowler. Within Axon Aaron provides subject matter expertise for both PEAR (an online repository of exchange market data policies) and the firm’s outsourced exchange & vendor reporting service ADS.
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