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2:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.

Registration & Networking

2:30 P.M. – 2:35 P.M.

FISD Introduction

David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

2:35 P.M. – 2:40 P.M.

Host Welcome – Refinitiv

Faye Cooper, Customer Success Director, Refinitiv

2:40 P.M. – 2:55 P.M.

The Evolution of the Broking Business

How is the brokering business evolving to leverage emerging digital tools to better measure data quality and streamline internal processes and to benefit clients? We will discuss how voice brokers have transformed their business to operate in a “hybrid” model (transform electronic order books through to voice) to provide additional value and new opportunities:

– Embedding efficient data quality analysis tools at a strategic level for enhancing productivity and profitability

– The analytics benefit

– Regulation controls to address MiFIDII and FRTB data usage

– Security risks and privacy concerns: Best practices on mitigating risks and managing ongoing threats

– Pursuit not only requires timely and accurate data but also sophisticated, real time exception management to mitigate the risks associated with bad data.

Ian Sams, Head of EMEA – data strategy & product, Tradition

2:55 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

5 minute new member briefing EOSE Data

Suzanne Lock, Managing Director, EOSE

3:00 P.M. – 3:45 P.M.

Focus on the ‘Data’ within ‘Data Science’

Data Science is all the rage – we at FISD continue to facilitate discussions on the  promise of what Technology can do for us. But, that is predominantly to do with the Science within Data Science. All of these analytics, these models, this ‘Science’ needs to be fed with Data. This discussion focusses on what types of data will be most needed; what format and structure that data should have; what provenance and lineage is there; how clean is the data; how much data is there (i.e. how ‘Big’ is it). There is an old adage – Rubbish in Rubbish out. Technology is not the universal panacea.


Peter Marsden, SVP Product and Sales Support – Europe, Ticksmith


Oli Bage, Distinguished Engineer, Executive Director , Morgan Stanley

Elliott Hann, Executive Director, UBS Data Solutions, UBS Investment Bank

Sam Livingstone, Head of Data Science, Jupiter Asset Management

Amanda West, SVP Innovation, Refinitiv

3:50 P.M. – 4:25 P.M.


4:25 P.M. – 4:40 P.M.

The market drivers impacting the lifecycle of market data

The product landscape for market data is changing rapidly. The need to update old technology, and consolidation and acquisitions are some of the market conditions driving that change. At the same time there is increased demand for automation, regulatory compliance, better integration and cost-cutting (among other things). How does this all affect how market participants access and use market data – and what do they really want in market data solutions? The market is keen to have a disruptor to challenge  the duopoly of the current market data vendors.

Richard Burtsal, Sales Director, InFront

Oliver Preisendorfer , Head of Pre-Sales, Executive Director, InFront

4:40 P.M. – 5:25 P.M.

ESG – striving for the right data

The tempo of interest in ESG centric investment is accelerating. However, the data to meaningfully support that rapacious appetite is not keeping up. Data to support ESG decision making is sporadic, inconsistent and as a result potentially unreliable. A consistent and more standardised approach has yet to be adopted by the market. Governments and regulators are now getting involved which should rattle the ESG cage. What should consistent data look like? Who is the arbiter of consistency? The appetite is not diminishing hence the problem is not going away.


Dr. Rory Sullivan, Co-Founder and Director, (Chronos Sustainability) and Visiting Professor, , London School of Economics


Dr. Barnabas Acs, ESG and Quant Investment Solutions, Refinitiv

Rob Beale, ESG Manager, Capital Group

Jaakko Kooroshy, Head of Innovation and Standards, Sustainable Investment, LSE FTSE Russell

Neil McIndoe, Head of Environmental Finance, S&P Trucost

5:25 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.

5 minute new member briefing – Visible Alpha

Conrad Rademan, Senior Sales Associate, Visible Alpha

5:30 P.M. – 5:35 P.M.

FISD Update

Tom Davin, FIA, Managing Director, FISD

5:35 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

Networking Reception

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