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Thursday, March 15
3:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Registration & Networking

4:00 P.M. – 4:05 P.M.

Introductory Remarks

Scott Cooper, FIA, FISD Asia-Pac Regional Representative & Partner, Saquish Partners

4:05 P.M. – 4:10 P.M.

Host Welcome


Jamie Crank, Senior Manager, Information Services , ASX Limited

4:10 P.M. – 4:50 P.M.

Is Market Data Management in Caretaker Mode?

Financial institutions have spent major resources (and the last few years) managing their market data usage – demand management, contract renegotiations, deployment of tools to rationalize usage and spending.  But is there anything left to optimize?  As institutions continue to rein-in costs, are they taking the view that most of the upside of market data management has already been wrung out of the business?  What’s the point?  

  • Are there further improvements that can be made to manage market data at an institution?
  • What’s the down-side of turning the portfolio over to a procurement department or third party for long-term care?
  • Are institutions’ market data expenditures going to change? If so, how?
  • It there an opportunity for a “hybrid” management solution: BAU and new/enterprise services?


Andrew Reeve, Head of Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa , Tullett Prebon Information


Michelle Ansell, Global Head of Market Data, Macquarie

Craig Chapman, Associate Director – Market Data Services, Westpac

Sally Huxtable, Director, Exchange Audits

David Kenny, Market Data Manager, National Australia Bank

4:50 P.M. – 5:30 P.M

Understanding customers’ data problems

Data in its raw form is just another problem. Customers increasingly require analytics to help solve problems, ranging from managing change related to new regulations, to simply gaining a better understanding of their business and the markets in which they operate. How prepared are you for this changing data landscape?

  • What data problems need to be solved?
  • How can exchanges, vendors and participants solve them?
  • How can these solutions be accessed?


Mark Benfield, Managing Director , MBSA International


David Bighel, Program Delivery Manager, ASX Limited

Stuart Frith, Group Director, Sales and DeliveryGroup Director, Sales and Delivery, Lucsan Capital

Tim Trumper, Advisor, Quantum

5:30 P.M. – 5:40 P.M.

Global Service Level & Communications Award Presentation


David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

5:40 P.M. – 5:50 P.M.

FISD update and closing remarks


David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

5:50 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

Networking Reception

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