FISD Newsletter – July 2024

WFIC is Galloping Toward Capacity!
With two months to go, almost 600 delegates have already committed to attend the World Financial Information Conference coming up September 15-18. Register now to join financial information executives from around the world for panels, presentations, keynotes, roundtables and fun! Contact with questions. The discounted room block at the conference venue is near to full, so please make your reservations now to guarantee your place.   

FISD Tokyo Issue Brief & Masterclass

Register today for the first fall event. Hosted at Deutsche Bank’s brand new Tokyo office on Sept 5th, the meeting focuses on data topics that are impacting the increased internationalization of Japan’s capital markets. Also earlier that day, FISD will run a Masterclass on data inventory management and cataloging systems. We’ll be explaining the what, why and how of these systems. This is intended as a generic primer on best practices and lessons learned for anyone seeking to implement such systems and/or to fine tune how they operate. Registration for the Masterclass is separate, but free for members.

FISD Strategic Planning Process Kicks-off 

The Governance & Operations Advisory Committee (GOAC) kicked off the latest cycle of the FISD strategic planning process in June.  GOAC is a subset of the FISD Executive Committee and focuses on a variety of issues including the long-term strategic direction and needs of FISD. The GOAC will examine the FISD’s mission statement, the overall environment in which our members operate, and FISD’s current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Based on this analysis, the group will develop recommendations for new FISD programs and activities. The group met for the first time in June and plans to dive back into the discussion after WFIC.  Our goal is to report to the full membership in Q2 2025. If you have any thoughts or questions on this, please contact Tom Davin.

Professional Certification Case Study: Meet Taurance Robnett, Vema

“I had worked in Market Data for several years at Vanguard and had no idea of the world that existed outside of my team. I wanted to create a solution that could help all Market Data Teams provide more value to the business instead of just a task taker. However, I knew I needed to get a better baseline understanding of Market Data if I wanted to build a solution. This is why I set out to take the FIA certification.” Read more.

Interested in being featured for your certification? Contact Professional Certification Manager Adam Stanton with your FIA story.




Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Barrow Hanley Global Investors
Chain IQ Group AG
Confluence Technologies, Inc.
GIC Private Limited
Greenwood Project
Hang Seng Indexes Company
Ideal Prediction
LMAX Exchange
Royal London Asset Management
Santander Back Offices Globales Mayoristas
Swaps Monitor
TCW Group
Yonhap InfoMax

2024 Global Sponsors

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