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Thursday, April 15
1:00PM – 2:00PM

Event Info: 

SIIA Members: FREE
Non-members: $49.00

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From a staffing perspective, the past year has been tumultuous for most associations. Whether they’re working on the creative or the sales sides, almost all publishing staff members have been working from home. Revenue challenges have changed the formats, the channels, and the frequencies through which associations publish—creating a shift in staffing needs. Many associations have responded by tightening their belts, reducing either their in-house staff or their reliance on freelancers—or both. And all of this has happened against a backdrop of a demand for diversity, with associations charged with making sure their workforces and teams of contributors are more inclusive than ever before. Here’s a look at where things stand, what’s changed and is still changing, and how the staffing picture is likely to look when the pandemic is behind us.

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