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3:30 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Registration & Networking

4:00 P.M. - 4:10 P.M.

Welcome and Introduction


Nick Merritt, FIA, Program Director, FISD

4:10 P.M. - 4:50 P.M.

Flipping the Script: Making the Cloud the Preferred Platform

With providers introducing new enhanced security options and reduced latency, the cloud now provides a broad set of advantages for sharing applications and data.  This session will detail how application software vendors, data services providers and their customers are leveraging the agility and flexibility of the cloud in order to simplfy network management and maintain regulatory compliance.


Stephen Bain


Brian McCallion , Founder and Cloud Architect , Bronze Drum Consulting

Mike Stone, Global Technology Director, Thomson Reuters

Bob Widlansky, Senior Manager, Amazon Web Services

4:55 P.M. - 5:05 P.M.

Thought Leadership Presentation


Hugh Smith, Wealth/Institutional Asset Management, Thomson Reuters

5:05 P.M. - 5:50 P.M.

Choices in Indexes: The New Providers

The index sector of the financial information industry continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  With the increase in usage of index data it should be no surprise that the number of index providers is growing as well.  This session will address who these newer 'alternative' index providers are and how they compare commercially with the more established providers.  Our panelists will address the processes and requirements involved in the art and science of creating and, perhaps more importantly, maintaining an index.  We'll look closely at the uses of indexes with a specific focus on tracking historical performances of investment portfolios as well as speculate on the future of indexes.


Paul Gunther, Sales Manager, MDSL


Shaun Baskett, Director Index Sales, Cboe Europe

Stephen Hoffman, Vice President, Exchange Traded Funds, RBC

Joe Nardulli, Senior Vice President, Strategic Sourcing, Enterprise Market Data, Northern Trust

5:50 P.M. - 6:00 P.M

FISD Update


Nick Merritt, FIA, Program Director, FISD

6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.

Networking Reception

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