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Thursday, April 15
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Changing 'Where' of Market Data

Most market data industry discussions focus on WHO is using the data and HOW it is being used.  With the changes wrought by COVID and the Cloud, the WHERE has become important.  As Coronavirus has driven users to their homes and the cloud has enabled data processing functions to be performed across regions, there are numerous issues for data providers and users to grapple with - both during the pandemic and post-COVID.  This session will look at the policy, reporting, privacy and tax issues associated with the new, more fluid role that location plays for the management of market data.


Oliver Albers  Senior Vice President and Global Head of Data
Paola Cereghino  Executive Director
David C. Hunter  Director of Licensing & Compliance
Elyse Klein  Manager
John Mason  Global Head Enterprise Middle and Back Office
John White  CEO

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