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Tuesday, February 23
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Resistance is Futile - Compliance is Required

Data consumers can’t outrun the need to comply with both regulators and providers. A system built on trust requires this necessary evil to function. The challenge of following both the law and vendor policies is immense – and often proves costly. Hear from constituents on multiple sides of the issues as they assess data users’ readiness to meet current obstacles. How well trained are staff? How good are the tools and services currently on the market? Are enough people using them? In recent years Digital Rights Management (DRM) has been heralded as the solution – is it a complete solution, or merely part of what’s needed? Likewise, cloud applications create additional considerations. Which solutions are most likely to help users not just live to fight another day, but thrive while remaining compliant? (Luckily the Borg haven’t taken an interest in the market data industry – at least not yet!)


Lee Allison AVP  Manager, Market Data Information Services

Mark Bird   Co Founder

Teresa Bowie  Vice President - Market Data

John Ikel  DLS Head of Data Compliance & Licensing

Jeff Kimsey Vice President and Head of Global Product Management

Joe Veneziano Global Markets Directo

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