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11:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

Registration & Networking

12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.


1:30 P.M. – 1:35 P.M.

Welcome Remarks

1:35 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.

Developing Male Allies to Further Gender Equality

Stephen Zweig is  a respected employment lawyer and an advocate for the advancement of women in the workplace. He currently heads the Men’s Alliance Committee of the Financial Women’s Association and is on the advisory board of the Humans For Fashion Foundation. Professionally, he consults with companies on developing Men’s Alliance programs, and most recently presented his framework for these programs at the 2019 Bloomberg Equality Summit.  He also leads seminars on “Negotiating with Bullies.” Stephen will share his outlook on the #MeToo Movement  and his approach to building Men’s Alliances.

Keynote Speaker:

Stephen Zweig, Partner, FordHarrison LLP

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