Professional Certification Case Study – Taurance Robnett

Taurance Robnett, Co-Founder and CEO, Vema Data

This is a case study of Taurance Robnett’s experience pursuing FISD Professional Certifications.

If you’re interested in discussing your experience with FISD Certifications in a case study, please contact Adam Stanton, Manager, Professional Development.

Why did you choose to invest in FISD Professional Certifications?

I had worked in Market Data for several years at Vanguard and had no idea of the world that existed outside of my team. I wanted to create a solution that could help all Market Data Teams provide more value to the business instead of just a task taker. However, I knew I needed to get a better baseline understanding of Market Data if I wanted to build a solution. This is why I set out to take the FIA certification.

What benefits have you seen since completing your FISD Certifications?

I have been able to connect with multiple clients and Market Data Managers outside of what I learned from Vanguard. I am now able to speak the lingo and have in depth conversations highlighting my credibility in the field.

I have also been able to connect with other FIA certificate holders from around the globe and talk with them about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing Market Data.

What are some examples of real business results that have occurred since your FISD Professional Certification?

Utilizing my knowledge gained from the FIA certification I was able to help a company find $300k+ in cost savings. In addition to this I was able to highlight how the importance of proper data governance is crucial when it comes to managing Market Data.

I have been able to revamp elements of our tool based on FISD guidelines and information obtained from the FIA certification.

What is your advice to those considering FISD Professional Certification?

You may think you have a great understanding of Market Data, but there will always be areas that you are not as well versed on. The FIA certification gives you an unbelievable baseline to start or revamp your Market Data Knowledge. Additionally, the FIA certification sets you apart as it’s clear you have a great baseline across the entire Market Data Ecosystem.

In my opinion, Market Data is an integral part of the business and will only become more important in the future. If you can get ahead of the crowd by obtaining the FIA or other FISD certifications now, you will position yourself for a great career trajectory.

Vema Data helps small to medium sized asset managers modernize their Market Data management, ensuring firms scale with technology and not just personnel growth.

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