Global Markets Director
Joe is a pioneer of the market data industry with over 30 years of experience, including installation of the first Reuters Triarch in North America. Joe founded JCV Investment Systems, LLC in 1993, a market data and trading floor consultancy, now exclusively providing services to exchanges and specialty content providers. Joe is the designer of the revolutionary JCV Audit Genie as well as the JCV Audit Project Manager. His experience includes Market Data Manager at a Fortune 500 Company, the development of one of the first market data inventory management systems (Data Access and Control Systems or DACSes), and project management of the build-out of numerous trading floors in the Americas and Europe. As a consultant for Reuters, he developed DACS Administration Courses. For over a decade he trained Reuters America on ATW, PTW, Kobra, Kobra 3000 Xtra, and DACS. He was also a trainer for Waters and a faculty member of Waters University.
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