Marcio Castro

CIO, Safra Investment Banking

Marcio Castro, 46, is currently an Independent IT and Capital Markets Professional.

Previously, he was Chief Information Officer at XP Investments, responsible for the IT Infrastructure and Systems that support the variety of financial instruments delivered through the XP distribution network, fostering new generation of applications for retail clients, focusing on the user experience and customer suitability for portfolio allocation.

Before joining XP, Marcio was the CIO of Redecard, one of largest Payments Processor Acquirer in Brazil, where he managed a network of nearly 2 million POS and an average of 12 million transactions a day.

Prior, Marcio was the BM&F BOVESPA CTO, responsible for the company IT Enterprise Architecture and Technology developments both for Trading and Clearing House post-trading systems. In his role, Marcio was heavily involved in supporting and evolving the Exchange and Clearing House´s systems and deal with the necessary integration with market participants, including Partners Exchanges, Brokers, ISVs, DMA Providers, Institutional clients, Market Data vendors and the buy-side in general.

Prior to BM&FBOVESPA, Marcio was the Professional Services Director at SunGard Treasury Systems for Asia Pacific region (2002), Head of Strategic Development at the ADX – Australian Derivatives Exchange (2000) and Principal System Engineer at IBM Brazil (1998).

Marcio is graduated in Software Engineering (FASP) and Business Administration (FGV).

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