Beyond 2021 – View on Liquidity

It has certainly been an eventful year with Covid-19 reverberating around the world, accelerating some trends and igniting others. Meanwhile, exchanges continue forging ahead, striking new deals and looking for growth opportunities. Despite the evolving backdrop, accessing liquidity remains a constant challenge in fixed income markets and participants are relying on an ever-wider array of tools to corral it in. Read More

Financial Markets and the Durability of the Post-Pandemic Asia-Pacific Recovery

Although a shared experience, the COVID-19 pandemic has varied greatly across Asia-Pacific with financial hubs, such as, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia all taking different approaches with the one constant being the rapidity of the transition to remote working. In many instances, “organizations have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months” (Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella), from remote teamwork and customer service to critical cloud infrastructure and security. Even more so, the overnight shutdown of trading floors demonstrated the resilience and ability as well as the capacity and flexibility of trading technology when put under stress. Read More

Return to work: What will Trading Floors look like? by Ganesh Iyer, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, IPC

There has been a tremendous amount of change in the way in which we work in the last 18 months.  The financial services industry is no different. However, thanks to the strong vaccination efforts which are currently taking place around the world, there is now a sense of hope that life could soon return to ‘normal’… Continue Reading