Industry Greats on Big Data: Fireside Chat with Irene Aldridge and Jon Neitzell

This intimate fireside chat features Irene Aldridge, author of “Big Data Science in Finance” leading a thorough conversation with Jon Neitzell, FISD’s 2022 Alternative Data Council Fellow, Founder and Managing Partner of Anduril Partners, and former Chief Data Officer at Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fundamental Equities.   They discuss how different areas of the financial information industry are utilizing big data, opportunities, pitfalls and trends.

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Empowering the Quant with Faster Experimentation and Application of AI and ML

Big data and alternative data have heightened complexity and level of effort required by quantitative analysts (quants) to manage data. In this webinar, learn how quants can tackle their three main challenges: Data acquisition and ingestion, Experimentation and modeling and Interpretation and push to production. Discover how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partners can automate data discovery, transformation, and strategy integration processes so you can move faster and get more out of your data.

You must log in to watch the video.

FISD Announces Jon Nietzell as 2022 Alternative Data Council Fellow; Thank You to Elizabeth Pritchard, Outgoing 2021 Fellow


Contact: Tracey Shumpert, FIA Vice President, Membership and Programming

FISD Names 2022 Alternative Data Council Fellow

WASHINGTON, DC (January 13, 2022) – FISD is very pleased to announce that Jon Neitzell will be FISD’s 2022 Alternative Data Council Fellow. Each year, the Alternative Data Council names a Fellow who is a recognized industry leader dedicated to facilitating the growth of the alternative data industry though alignment on voluntary standards. Throughout 2022, Jon will be working closely with Council on standards creation and adoption, and providing education on trends in alternative data. FISD would also like to thank outgoing 2021 Fellow Elizabeth Pritchard. Elizabeth’s contributions were critical to the Council’s growth during her tenure, and we wish her well in her new role as CEO of Bitvore. We are also very gratified that she has agreed to be part of the 2022 World Financial Information Conference Program Working Group.

Jonathan Neitzell

Elizabeth Pritchard

About FISD – FISD is the global forum of choice for industry participants to discuss, understand and facilitate the evolution of financial information for the key players in the value chain including consumer firms, third party groups and data providers. It is a dynamic environment in which members identify the trends that will shape the industry and create education opportunities and industry initiatives to address them. For more information, visit



FISD Newsletter – December 2021

FISD Executive Committee Elections - VOTE NOW!

Voting is currently open to fill 15 positions on the FISD Executive Committee (EC) for two-year terms, which begin in January 2022. Positions are open for representatives in each of the three FISD constituency areas: exchanges, vendors (data, software, hardware, services), and consumer firms. All main member contacts should have received a voting ballot via SurveyMonkey. Please contact Tracey Shumpert if you have any questions.


Service Level & Communications Working Group Re-forming in 2022

In the new year, the Service Level & Communications working group will end a brief hiatus and meet to take on new topics and challenges.  As a reminder, this working group focuses on enhancing communication and service provision between content providers, and the distributors and end-users of their data. The group has created and updates best practice recommendations and brings members together to discuss current communication and product management issues related to the introduction and modification of content providers’ products.  In the first meeting, we will revisit the mission of the group and its various activities, including the various programs that it has run to assess and recognize data providers’ adherence to best practices.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Tom Davin.   

First FISD Webinar of the New Year - January 12!

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, January 12, for the first FISD webinar of the New Year – Empowering the Quant with Faster Experimentation and Application of AI and ML


It might be a cliché, but good things really do come in threes – Quants have at least three challenges when it comes to squeezing meaning and value out of ‘Big Data’ and ‘Alternative Data.’

1. Acquiring and ingesting that data
2. Modelling and experimenting
3. Interpretation and the push to production


Join FISD, AWS, and AWS Partners to discuss real-world solutions and transformative strategies. Please contact David Anderson if you have any questions or need assistance with registration. 

2022 SIIA CODiE Awards Nominations Now Open

Looking for virtual business development opportunities, increased product recognition,  or a new way to idea share and learn about leading technologies? Nominatejudge or sponsor the 2022 CODiE Awards.


Over the past 37 years, the peer-recognized CODiE Awards have recognized thousands of business, education, information and financial technology products for innovation and excellence. 


The 2022 CODiE Awards features nearly 100 categories including Best Financial & Market Data SolutionBest Financial Management SolutionBest FinTech Solution and 14 new leadership categories recognizing outstanding companies, individuals and teams.

Nominate or apply to judge by January 21, 2022. Questions? Contact the Awards Director.

Let's Talk About the FISD FIA!

Think back on your personal career trajectory. It probably wasn’t a straight line from university to the market data industry. Experiential learning got you where you needed to be, but it took time. If you’re hiring a group of bright-eyed graduates and career changers you may need to wait months or years for them to become truly proficient. Or you can help them compress that timeline with the FISD Financial Information Associate (FISD FIA) certification.


The FISD FIA is the only credential designed specifically for market data professionals. Candidates are tested on their knowledge of a broad range of industry information they’ll need to do their job as well as communicate effectively with colleagues and clients. Exam material is divided into four major categories:

  • Markets: This includes the trade life cycle, major asset classes, market participants, key job functions, and the role of the markets.
  • Data: This includes sources, providers, types of data, uses of data, and commercial arrangements.
  • Technology: This includes connectivity, hardware, messaging, algorithmic trading, data management, and cloud computing.
  • Issues & Trends: This includes commercial trends, economic issues, regulations, and typical contract terms.

Want to give your new team members an edge? Download the FISD FIA syllabus PDF now to see everything they’ll learn.

2021 Global Sponsors

2021 Sponsors

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Handing the Keys of the Market Data Kingdom to the next Generation – an FISD ‘Rising Stars’ Activity

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.”  – Pearl S. Buck.

Nothing ever stands still; change is the only constant in life. What’s happening with the generations within our market data industry? Where are the next leaders? Let’s hear from the newest entrants and let’s plan for the future. It’s about the recruitment and nurturing of new talent.

We hear from some of that newest of new talent – how are they changing things up and we explore what they seek from some of us in the middle of our market data careers or those even nearing the end.

  • Some ‘new’ talents share their experiences, expectations and aspirations – thus far
  • Those more advanced in their careers discuss recruitment and nurturing.

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