FISD London Tech Forum – March 3 – In-Person

Our program highlighted thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts, including “CJC hands-on with multicast in the cloud”, “Yes, we have Market Data in The Cloud–but what about REAL TIME?”, “Market Data in the Cloud, who wants what, where?”, “Data Distribution for the MultiCloud Generation” and “Women in Market Data Engineering.”

You must log in to watch the video.

BSO enhances Crypto Connect offering for US exchanges

BSO, a global pioneering infrastructure and connectivity provider, has today announced enhancements that have been made to its Crypto Connect product to meet increasing demand in US-based crypto exchanges.

Crypto Connect offers both low latency cloud connectivity and cloud-to-cloud connectivity. With dedicated bandwidth, no reliance on routing hardware and private and secure trading routes – it’s the most comprehensive low latency crypto trading solution in the market.

Read the full article here.

FISD Webinar: New frontiers for Market Data…beyond the Status quo – and why you should care

Some amongst us have said it can feel like we in market data are stuck in a rut – but consider how our industry has changed:

New types of data; new types of users; new asset classes; new ways of using data; new technology – and let’s not forget new people in our sector. We should assess how are market data lives have changed and will change further in the imminent months and years to come. Alternative Data was once very new (and shiny!), it’s still fresh in our minds. Crypto, DLT, DeFi, and Digitized Assets are hurtling towards us. Interest in Fintech and technology in general continues apace. Our industry landscape and those participating are changing in front of our eyes.

When written down it becomes clear how much has changed, we are NOT stuck in a rut. The point of this discussion is in part to identify and better understand the key changes – but as importantly it is to explore the consequences of that change AND for us all to consider how best to adapt. As the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus stated – “change is the only constant in life”.

You must log in to watch the video.

FISD Newsletter – February 2022

Farewell to Michael Zingali

After five great years, FISD Communications & Virtual Events Manager will be leaving to take a job at Citi in New York. We appreciate all of Michael’s contributions to our web and social media presence, and the key role that he played in FISD’s pivot to virtual events in 2020. Thanks to Michael, and here’s hoping that he can join us for our next in-person event in NYC!

Two New Job Openings Available at FISD: Project & Program Director and Communications Coordinator

Program & Project Director

FISD is seeking a highly qualified person for a new position that will be based in NYC or DC. The primary focus of the Program & Project Director is to develop event content and working group activities for FISD members, and manage projects associated with these activities and other FISD initiatives. We are looking for someone established in the financial information industry who can leverage (and build on) their knowledge and project management skills to produce superior event content and member engagement opportunities. If you have thoughts or questions on this opening, contact Tom Davin.

Communications Coordinator

This role will be based in FISD/SIIA’s DC offices and will be appropriate for a recent college graduate, or person with a few years work experience. The person in the role will be responsible for ensuring the quality, completeness, and reliable delivery of communications to FISD’s global membership.  The coordinator manages communications across a variety of media and is responsible for the timeliness and completeness of the FISD contact database. There will be domestic and international travel from time to time. If you have thoughts or questions on this opening, contact Tom Davin.

2022 FISD Executive Committee Election Completed

FISD members voted to elect 15 of the 27 existing FISD Executive Committee seats for a two-year term ending on December 31, 2023.   FISD is very pleased to welcome new Executive Committee members the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing and Davidson Kempner, as well as all returning members. The Executive Committee Leadership, Marcy Pike as Chair, Trip Wadleigh as Vice Chair, and Steve Dickey as Secretary, will continue to serve in their roles through 2022. The full list of FISD members is available on the FISD website.

WFIC Registration Opening in March 

Plans for the World Financial Information Conference, October 16-19 in Prague, are well underway. FISD is pleased to announce that registration will be opening in March, and we will be communicating about social events, the Consumer Travel Stipend Program, the WFIC Program Working Group, and new sponsorship opportunities shortly. The discounted hotel room block is already open. Please contact Tracey Shumpert if you have any questions.

Introducing the FISD FIT + eTraining Bundle

Now is a great time to upgrade your team’s technology expertise. FISD is here to help you make that easy with the brand new FISD Financial Information Technologist (FISD FIT) certification. Starting February 25, the self-paced eTraining that will get you up to speed will be available in a bundle that includes the exam registration for $940 for FISD members. This certification covers key topics in five areas:

-Market Data Systems: data sources, distributing real time data, permissioning

-Market Data Products: workstations, enterprise platforms, desktop APIs

-System Location: cloud computing, colocation, proximity hosting

-Technology Concepts: software development, data science, big data

-Industry Context: order management, trading automation, benchmarks

Make 2022 the year you get FISD FIT! Contact Hope Wilkes with questions.

FISD Rising Stars Webinar on March 15
**Invite your junior staff, too!**

The ability to work from home has expanded the talent pool available companies willing to be flexible and likewise has created opportunities for employees to take new jobs without moving, or to move somewhere new without changing jobs.

Attend this webinar to hear firsthand from market data professionals who have gone fully remote and moved to a new place and keeping the same job or started a job at a distant site without moving, and those who have uprooted their lives to change cities (or even countries) as part of assuming a new role. Led by a moderator with experience in hiring strategy, this session will pair personal experiences with insights on how the employment landscape is transforming.

Contact Hope Wilkes with questions or if you’d like to nominate a speaker.

FISD Announces Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Event Series in Coordination with SIIA

On March 8th, FISD will hold the first in a cross-SIIA divisional series of workshops providing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion education to members. The first event will be facilitated by Orange Grove Consulting, a leading DEI and gender equity consulting firm, on the topic of Strategic Shifts Essential for Leadership. This workshop aims to help women and people of color ascend from middle management to executive roles. Later in the year, FISD/SIIA will hold additional topics on unconscious bias and successfully attracting and leading diverse teams. Please contact Tracey Shumpert with questions.




Anduril Partners

Exodus Point Capital Management

CLS Group


Wiggin and Dana


Marshall Wace LLP

Qube Research & Technologies Ltd

Gro Intelligence

New York Life Investment Management

2022 Global Sponsors

FISD Newsletter – January 2022

New Job Opening at FISD: Program & Project Director

FISD is seeking a highly qualified person for a new position that will be based in NYC or DC. The primary focus of the Program & Project Director is to develop event content and working group activities for FISD members, and manage projects associated with these activities and other FISD initiatives. We are looking for someone established in the financial information industry who can leverage (and build on) their knowledge and project management skills to produce superior event content and member engagement opportunities. The qualified candidate will immediately take on responsibility for existing working groups and event content development, and will be expected to identify new opportunities for member programming and activities. The job posting can be accessed here and submissions can be sent here. If you have thoughts or questions on this opening, contact Tom Davin.

Service Level & Communications Working Group Re-forming in 2022

The Service Level & Communications working group is ending a brief hiatus and meeting next month to take on new topics and challenges. As a reminder, this working group focuses on enhancing communication and service provision between content providers, and the distributors and end-users of their data. The group has created and updates best practice recommendations and brings members together to discuss current communication and product management issues related to the introduction and modification of content providers’ products. In the first meeting, scheduled for February 15, we will revisit the mission of the group and its various activities, including the various programs that it has run to assess and recognize data providers’ adherence to best practices. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Tom Davin.

Register Now for ESG 2.0 – Next Steps!

This is your last chance to register for the FISD Webinar: ESG 2.0 – The Next Steps. This 60 minute session will be accompanied by an extra 30 minutes afterwards for Q&A from the viewers. Thus, enough time to listen to our panel of experts and participate in getting all your questions answered. 

The subject matter will take us to what has the market learned so far to help us know what customers really need today in respect of ESG data (including delivery formats) and for the next few years ahead. How do consumers pick and cope with the over abundance of ESG data, especially as its not all the same or difficult to benchmark? Where are the true USP’s from vendors and what is truly valued by the market, clients, regulators in this strong growing segment? Are the E-S-G components valued equally by consumers and what would consumers design in this category if they had the chance to be the data creators?

Please contact David Anderson or Tristan Dehaan if you have any questions. We look forward to you joining us and participating too.

Let’s Talk About the FISD FIA!

Think back on your personal career trajectory. It probably wasn’t a straight line from university to the market data industry. Experiential learning got you where you needed to be, but it took time. If you’re hiring a group of bright-eyed graduates and career changers you may need to wait months or years for them to become truly proficient. Or you can help them compress that timeline with the FISD Financial Information Associate (FISD FIA) certification. 

The FISD FIA is the only credential designed specifically for market data professionals. Candidates are tested on their knowledge of a broad range of industry information they’ll need to do their job as well as communicate effectively with colleagues and clients. Exam material is divided into four major categories:

  • Markets: This includes the trade life cycle, major asset classes, market participants, key job functions, and the role of the markets.
  • Data: This includes sources, providers, types of data, uses of data, and commercial arrangements.
  • Technology: This includes connectivity, hardware, messaging, algorithmic trading, data management, and cloud computing.
  • Issues & Trends: This includes commercial trends, economic issues, regulations, and typical contract terms.

Want to give your new team members an edge? Download the FISD FIA syllabus PDF now to see everything they’ll learn.

Share Your News in the Next FISD Newsletter

Members can have their press releases, events, white papers, blogs, news articles and job postings featured in the FISD Newsletter. Delivered monthly to thousands of financial information professionals, the newsletter is a great place to spread your news. Email relevant material to Michael Zingali with the subject line “FISD Newsletter Submission”.

To view this original email in your browser, please click here.


2022 Global Sponsors